
Showing posts from March, 2007

Sky Doorway

Sky Doorway to another dimension. Created in Photoshop, with Flaming Pear's Flexify & Flood Plug-Ins.

Maze Guitar

This was created in Photoshop, using a seamless tiling maze graphic, a perspective plug-in, & a picture of my sister's guitar.

Phantom of the Opera

I created this in my Digital Imaging class using Photoshop.

Blog Design

Do you blog? If you do, it may or may not be about earning money for you. Either way, many people use blogging as a creative outlet to share thoughts & ideas they're passionate about or for communicating w/Family & Friends. How about you? If this describes you, you probably don't have a lot of dough to throw around. However, most people who have a blog would like one with an attractive design. As a fellow blogger (I have another blog for communicating w/Family & Friends.), I understand that you don't have a lot of funds to spend on your blog, which is why I only charge $40 for a basic (blogger template) blog design. Design includes header graphic, nav graphics (if any), and background graphics (if any). Only $40 to give your blog a whole new look! Just eMail me for a consultation.

Coily Nebula

I created this in Photoshop, using my sister's photo of her Vintage 60's Univox Coily. I also used Flaming Pear's Glitterato Plug-In.

Acoustic Sunset

I created this in Photoshop w/FlamingPear's Flood Plugin.

Space Skyline

I created this in Photoshop w/ FlamingPear 's LunarCell, Glitterato, & Flood Plugins.

Perspective Text

Create text w/a perspective drop-shadow in Photoshop.

Charcoal Low Key Still Life

I drew this low key still life in my Drawing 1 class.

High Key Still Life

I drew this High Key Still Life in my Drawing 1 Class.

Charcoal Abstract Still Life

I drew this abstract still life in my Drawing 1 class.

Teal Space Sea

Here's a Wallpaper I recently did, sized for Mac monitors.