Etsy Finds: Enterprise Coffee Table

How cool is this? (Click image to enlarge) Show you're a card-carrying
geek the moment anyone sets foot in your living room! This table is made by Etsy seller Barry Shields & it costs $3,100. A bit out of my budget (huge understatement), but awesome nonetheless. :)

Here's the description on the product page:
"This Star Trek table is made from ash, poplar and cherry wood. It took me a month to build it and 2 tries to cut the 1/4" glass the way I wanted but it turned out nicely. The glass is cut to look as though its in motion and the base was designed to portray the ship in orbit over a planet. It has a beautiful rubbed poly finish coat for complete protection for many years to come. Its solid, sturdy and you CAN put your feet up on it after a long day at the office. This is a one of a kind! You will not see another one like it. Glass dimensions are 34" x 54" x 17" tall."
Amazing craftsmanship & Star Trek all in one table = AWESOME! What do you think of this? Let me know in the comments! :)