is LIVE!
The website I've been working on for a client is finally completed & launched. :) You can see it
here or click on the image to enlarge. UPDATE: This site/business closed a few years ago.
Here's some stats about it's creation.
here or click on the image to enlarge. UPDATE: This site/business closed a few years ago.
Here's some stats about it's creation.
- Logo: I created this in Illustrator. I grabbed a stock blackboard background & drew the border, chalk, & eraser in Illustrator. Her business card had books, an apple, & a blackboard, so I drew all those & combined those elements into the logo.
- Background: This was created in Photoshop. I simply filled the canvas w/a light yellow & then I applied the Texture filter. I was going for a background similar to the one on her business card.
- Code: The html & css for this site was written in Komodo Edit.